On-line registration is now open

For relocation or tourist info or to join the Chamber

Call 775.623.2225

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Need to find a restaurant? Want to do a bit of shopping? Stay in one of our many motels?

With one simple click you can find what you need in our Chamber Member Business list, located on the left-hand sidebar.

The 2nd Tuesday of each month.
August 13th the Luncheon will be hosted by TBA, noon.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Ribbon Cutting at Bella Grazia

A beautiful setting, good music, a nice bottle of wine, set the stage for Bella Grazia's official Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting on Saturday, September 18th. 
Held at 5:00pm, a crowd, which included The Mayor of Winnemucca, Di An Putnam,  City Councilmen, Rich Stone and Paige Brooks,  Chamber Directors, Betty Lawrence, Bob Shaw and Robin Paul-Woolever,  joined owners and managers Jill and Eddy Dimock and Sherre and Tim Furrh, to raise their glasses high and wish them well as they snipped the ribbon.

And finally, the ribbon.....