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The 2nd Tuesday of each month.
August 13th the Luncheon will be hosted by TBA, noon.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Continuing Concerns for Radio Broadcasters

 Last year, we were one of multiple Chambers of Commerce across rural
Nevada that expressed opposition to the recording industry’s proposed
 performance fee on terrestrial radio - the Performance Rights Act. This
fee did not become law, but the recording industry is still advocating
this fee and pushing policy makers to support their position. This new fee
could be devastating for Nevada because our local radio stations are
important to our community’s economic well-being and play a vital public
safety role in times of crisis. We remain opposed to a new performance
fee on local radio stations.

Fortunately a resolution that opposes the imposition of any new
performance fee on broadcasters was introduced earlier this year. This
resolution is called the Local Radio Freedom Act and is supported by
Representatives Shelley Berkley (D-NV-1), Joseph Heck (R-NV-3), and Dean
Heller (R-NV-2). We hope Senator Reid will stand with Nevada’s radio
stations as well.
Please ask Senator Reid to join Nevada’s congressional delegation in
supporting Nevada’s local radio stations and the Local Radio Freedom Act.